For this event, my target is to make a pr for the 10k distance and also looking for the medal.. I try to survey the track with all the previous runner and they notice that the road was flat and must run below 50 min to get the medal..
The run start 7.30 and I started with the middle group and try to follow the race leader group.. before the run I feel quite good with my body condition but after 24 min pas through pm22tey click my pic..i got stomach cramp.. wahh.. damn it…I fell so pain and start to slow my pace..
Aiyoh..i think want to give up already when the pain cannot heal after I slow my pace..then I run with the very kura2 pace to reduce the pain…after run about 15 min with the kura2 pace, I start to pick up my pace run run..
I saw so many runners got pass through the stadium and from the other side I take a very long step while running and use all of my energy..
When I meet the track is start to pia all out like my heart gonna blow off..and got through the finishing line and my number is 189..huhu,,what a tough race..with all the cramp I did my pr for the 10k race !!!(but the distance is 9.something k but its ok la..) I did with 55:52.98…need more training and sure I will come back next subang 10k..!!!